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幡狀云 fall streak
pennant or streamer used in ...
幢一幢摩天大樓 a skyscraper
幢幢 flickering
a piece of cloth for binding...
carriage curtains
幪見 "拼蠓"
cabinet-formed curtain
curtain of cart cart cloth b...
shield short for the Ten Hea...
干一行愛一行 love whatever job one takes ...
干事 work
干事不明 act with an utter lack of di...
干事麻利的人 quick and neat worker
干云蔽日 Tall trees cover the sun.
干井 dry well
干親 nominal kinship
干休所 sanatorium for outgoing cadr...
干冰 drikold
干冰冷凍療法 dry ice therapy
干冷 dry and cold
干凍 dry freeze
干凍土 dry freeze ground
干凈 clean
干凈利落 smooth and clean
干憑這點本事 has only this bit of skill
干到底 fight to the bitter end
干制 dry-cure
干制奶 dried milk
干制牛肉 dried beef
干制食品 dried food
干勁 drive
干勁沖天 work with untiring energy
干勁十足 be full of vigour
干印法 xerography
干卿底事 It is no concern of yours.
干壓 dry press
干壓光 dry finish
干壓強度試驗 dry compression test
干嗎 why on earth
干嗎不戴上帽子 Why don't you put on your ca...
干嗎偏問他 Why ask him,of all people?
干嗎把我也拉扯進去 Why drag me in? chat
干嗎老纏著我 Why do you keep worrying me?
干嗎這么大規矩 Why all this formality? what...
干嘔 vomit and throw up nothing o...
干咖啡 parchment coffee
干咳 dry cough
干噦 retch
恩準 approved by His Majesty
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