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濟世之才 a person endowed with the ta...
濟世安民 assist one's generation and ...
濟世拯道 save the society from becomi...
濟人之困 save men from their difficul...
濟人之急 relieve sb. in need
濟人所急 relieve sb. in need
濟南 Jinan
濟危扶傾 aid the distressed and suppo...
濟危扶困 champion the cause of the un...
濟欣 Ji Xin
濟河焚舟 cross the river and burn the...
濟濟 many
濟濟一堂 a gathering of many people
濟貧 help the poor
濟貧扶困 give help to the poor,to tho...
濟貧拔苦 relieve the poor and comfort...
濟貧法 poor law
濟貧計劃 poverty program
濟貧賑苦 help the poor and destitute
瀏覽 skim over
瀏覽報紙上的大標題 take a glance at the newspap...
浐河 the Chanhe River
渾人 an unreasonable fellow
渾儀 armillary sphere
渾似 as if
渾俗和光 be in harmony with the rest ...
渾厚 simple and honest
渾名 agnomen
渾噩同 "渾渾噩噩"
渾圓 perfectly round
渾圓峰頂 bald
渾圓花崗巖丘 matopos
渾天儀 armillary sphere celestial g...
渾天說 theory of sphere-heavens
渾家 the whole family wife
渾括 include
渾括一切 including all
渾樸 simple and honest
渾水 muddy water foolish
渾水摸魚 fish in troubled waters
渾沌 chaos
渾沌狀態 chaotic state
渾沌現象 chaos phenomenon
渾濁 muddy
渾濁化 opacifiation
渾濁度 troubling
渾渾噩噩 muddle along without any aim
stir-fry before stewing
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