癡心 silly wish | 癡心妄想 fond dream | 癡情 unreasoning passion | 癡情女子負心漢 a foolish sentimental girl a... | 癡想 day dream | 癡愚 moronity | 癡狂 nonsensical | 癡男怨女 languishing youths and unhap... | 癡笑 giggle | 癡肥 abnormally fat | 癡迷 infatuated | 癡鈍 imbecile | 痹 pain or numbness | 痹證 Bi Zheng | 痼 chronic | 痼習 inveterate habit | 痼冷 obstinate cold syndrome | 痼疾 chronic illness | 痼癖 inveterate weakness | 痿 flaccid paralysis | 痿癥 flaccid paralysis | 痿躄 atrophy and flaccidity | 瘀 stagnate | 瘀傷 bruise | 瘀斑 ecchymosis |
| 瘀點 petechia | 瘀腫疼痛 pain caused by ecchymoma | 瘀血 blood stasis | 瘀阻腫脹 ecchymoma | 瘁 overworked | 瘃 chilblain | 癉 heat symptom-complex | 癉瘧 malaria | 瘆 horrify | 瘆人 making one's flesh creep | 瘆得慌 be horrified | 瘈 insane | 瘊 wart | 瘊子 wart | 瘌痢 favus of the scalp | 瘌痢頭 affected with favus on the h... | 瘌痢頭兒子自己疼 Every mother's child is hand... | 瘏 sick | 瘐死 die of hunger or disease | 瘕 a lump in the abdomen | 瘞 bury | 瘺名 fistula | 瘺管 fistula | 瘺管刀 fistulatome | 種子選育 seed breeding |