登入 註冊
行棧 broker's storehouse
行株距 distance between rows and hi...
行款 form and arrangement of line...
行止 whereabouts
行止不明 whereabouts unknown
行止無定 there's no telling where sb....
行止有虧 His conduct has some shortco...
行注目禮 salute with eye
行濁言清 stainless in words but foul ...
行消隱 horizontal blanking
行灶 makeshift cooking stove
行狀 brief biographical sketch of...
行獵 hunt
行百里者半九十 To cover 90 percent of one's...
行禮 salute
行禮如儀 perform acts of ceremony
行程 distance of travel a surname
行程五千多公里 travel over 5,000 kilometres
行竊 steal
行答禮 take the salute
行篋 travelling suitcase
行經 menstruate a surname
行經過早 proiomenorrhea
行署 administrative office
行者 pedestrian untonsured monk
行而不果 be undecided in one's course...
行勝于言 Actions speak louder than wo...
行脈沖 line pulse
行腳 travel far and wide
行腳僧 palmer
行腔 use the tunes according to o...
行船 sail a boat
行船到最近的港口 navigate the ship to the nea...
行色 circumstances or style of de...
行色匆匆 be in a rush getting ready f...
行若無事 behave as if nothing had hap...
行營 field headquarters
行行出狀元 One may distinguish himself ...
行裝 outfit for a journey
行規 guild regulations
行話 jargon
行話市語 the language of every trade ...
行語句 line statement
行貨 goods which are not carefull...
行販 pedlar
行賄 practise bribery
行賄受賄 offering or accepting bribes
行賄受賄罪 offense of bribery
行走 walk
賁育之勇 the bravery of two ancient h...
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