貯藏室 storeroom | 貯藏壽命 shelf-life | 貯藏所 repository | 貯藏物 storage | 貯藏箱 bing | 貯藏貨幣 hoarding of money | 貯藏車 accumulator car | 貫 pass through | 貫串 run through | 貫眾 Cyrtomium fortunei the rhizo... | 貫入 injection | 貫入載荷 penetration load | 貫徹 carry out | 貫徹以預防為主的醫療方針 carry out the policy of putt... | 貫徹始終 prosecute to the end | 貫徹婚姻法運動 movement for the implementat... | 貫徹某人的意圖 carry out sb.'s intention | 貫注 concentrate on | 貫穿 run through breakthrough | 貫穿切割 through cutting | 貫穿術 transfixion | 貫穿深度 depth of penetration | 貫穿理論 transversal theory | 貫穿軸 through-going shaft | 貫穿輻射 penetrating radiation |
| 貫穿進給 through feed | 貫穿針 transfixion pin | 貫通 have a thorough knowledge of | 貫通南北 running due north and due so... | 貫通連接 through connection | 貫高 Guan Gao | 貳 two | 貳心 disloyalty | 貳臣 an official who retains his ... | 貳軫 Er Zhen | 賤 low-priced | 賤買賤賣 buy and sell at low prices | 賤買貴賣 buy cheap and sell dear | 賤賣 sell cheap | 賤如土苴 cheap as dirt | 賤姓 my name | 賤恙 my illness | 賤民 people of a lower social sta... | 賤狗 pariah dog | 賤瓊 Jian Qiong | 賤相畢露 One's bad countenance is fla... | 賤骨頭 miserable wretch | 賤鳶 pariahkite | 賁 beautifully decorated | 賁臨 presence |