| 銀錠 silver ingot | 銀鐲 silver bracelet | 銀鬢 silver-grey temples | 銀魚 whitebait | 銀鯧 dollarfish | 銀鼠 snow weasel | 銀鼠皮 fur of snow weasel | 銣 rubidium | 銣化合物 rubidium compound | 銣同位素 rubidium isotope | 銣基合金 rubidium-base alloy | 銣離子 rubidium ion | 銣鐘 rubidium clock | 銣鍶測年 rubidium-strontium dating | 鑄 cast | 鑄一座不銹鋼的胸像 cast a stainless steel bust | 鑄件 foundry goods | 鑄劍為犁 beat the swords into ploughs... | 鑄坑 foundry pit | 鑄塊 ingot bar | 鑄坯 casting blank | 鑄坯導架 strand guide | 鑄型 casting mould model | 鑄字 typecasting | 頓悟學習 insight learning |