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銀行本票 cashier's check
銀行匯款 bank transfer
銀行匯款單 bank money order
銀行匯率 banker's rate
銀行匯票 bank draft
銀行法 the bank law
銀行界和工商界巨頭的一次莊嚴集會 an august assembly of bankin...
銀行監督 banking supervision
銀行破產 bank failure
銀行結余 a balance at the bank
銀行營業時間 banking hours
銀行貼現 bank discount
銀行貸款 bank loan
銀行貸款給商行 Banks make advance to busine...
銀行貸給這家公司大量款項 The bank granted a large loa...
銀行資本 banking capital
銀行透支 bank overdraft
銀行金庫 the coffers of a bank
銀貨兩訖 The goods are delivered and ...
銀質獎 silver medal
銀質獎章 silver medal
銀錢 money
銀錢交易 deal in cash
銀鈴般的口音 silvery accent
銀錁子 a silver ingot
銀錠 silver ingot
銀鐲 silver bracelet
銀鬢 silver-grey temples
銀魚 whitebait
銀鯧 dollarfish
銀鼠 snow weasel
銀鼠皮 fur of snow weasel
銣化合物 rubidium compound
銣同位素 rubidium isotope
銣基合金 rubidium-base alloy
銣離子 rubidium ion
銣鐘 rubidium clock
銣鍶測年 rubidium-strontium dating
鑄一座不銹鋼的胸像 cast a stainless steel bust
鑄件 foundry goods
鑄劍為犁 beat the swords into ploughs...
鑄坑 foundry pit
鑄塊 ingot bar
鑄坯 casting blank
鑄坯導架 strand guide
鑄型 casting mould model
鑄字 typecasting
頓悟學習 insight learning
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