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頓挫 pause and transition in rhyt...
頓挫型 forme fruste
頓挫型感染 abortive infection
頓挫抑揚 rising and falling of tones
頓挫抑揚是形容朗讀時聲音的高低曲折和和諧的的節奏 Cadence means the rise and f...
頓挫療法 ectrosis
頓改前非 suddenly to reform oneself
頓時 immediately
頓時錯亂 instant insanity
頓服劑 Haust.
頓河 the Don River
頓然大悟 suddenly to wake up
頓然悔悟 suddenly realize one's error...
頓琦 Dun Qi
頓生一股無明火 in a moment of anger
頓生疑竇 suddenly feel suspicious
頓筆 make a pause for breath in w...
頓腳 stamp one's foot arrange
頓起歹念 turn ungrateful suddenly
頓起盜心 make sb. wild for a game of ...
頓足 stamp one's feet
頓足不前 come to a standstill
頓足號哭 cry stamping one's feet
頓足捶胸 stamp one's feet and beat on...
頓躓無靠 stumble by the way without s...
頓達凱 doundaké
頓鉆 percussion drilling
頓鉆機 percussion drilling rig
頓鉆鉆頭 chopping bit
頓首 make a ceremonious nod
頎長 tall
頒發 issue
頒發嘉獎令 issue an order of commendati...
頒發獎章 award a medal
頒發獎金 bestow a prize
頒發憲法 promulgate a constitution
頒發文憑 issue a diploma
頒發法令 issue a decree award
頒發證書 award a certificate
頒獎大會 award-giving meeting
頒布 promulgate
頒布軍令 issue a military order
頒布法令 promulgate a decree
頒行 issue for enforcement
頌古誹今 praise the past to condemn t...
頌古非今 eulogize the past at the exp...
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