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ear lobe中文

用"ear lobe"造句"ear lobe" in a sentence"ear lobe"怎麼讀"ear lobe"的同義詞


  • 耳垂。
  • "ear" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.(稻麥等的)穗。 2.〔pl.〕燈花。 短語和 ...
  • "lobe" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.耳垂。 2.【植物;植物學】裂片;圓裂片;滾裂 ...
  • "congenital absence of ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    先天性耳垂缺失
  • "defect of ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂缺損
  • "diagonal ear lobe crease" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂斜形皺褶
  • "ear lobe clamp" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂夾
  • "ear lobe crease" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂褶
  • "ear lobe piercer" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂穿孔器; 耳垂鉆孔器
  • "ear lobe sign" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂征:早期冠心病所出現的耳垂斜形皺褶
  • "ear-lobe electrode" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂電極
  • "eczema of ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂濕疹
  • "free ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    離生耳垂
  • "infection of ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂感染
  • "piercing of ear lobe" 中文翻譯 :    耳垂造孔,扎耳朵眼; 扎耳朵眼
  • "lobe" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.耳垂。 2.【植物;植物學】裂片;圓裂片;滾裂片。 3.【無線電】波瓣,瓣。 4.【解剖學】(肺、腦、肝等的)葉。 5.【機械工程】凸角。 6.(氣球的)舵囊,氣袋。
  • "be in the ear" 中文翻譯 :    正在抽穗
  • "by ear" 中文翻譯 :    不用樂譜; 憑記憶,不看樂譜; 憑記憶,不看樂譜
  • "ear" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.耳朵。 2.聽覺;聽力;傾聽;注意。 3.耳狀物〔指水罐、茶杯等的把兒〕。 4.報頭兩端刊登小廣告、天氣預報的地方。 a flea in sb.'s ear 刺耳的話。 A word in your ear. 我跟你私下講句話。 about one's ears (某人)陷于尷尬[麻煩等]處境 (bring the house about one's ears 遭全家反對)。 be all ear 〔口語〕專心傾聽。 be [go out] on one's ears 〔美俚〕發怒;無禮。 bend sb.'s ears 講得使某人厭煩;和某人談要事。 by the ears (動物)相斗;(人)扭打,傾軋;不和 (set the whole neighbourhood by the ears 挑撥離間,使四鄰不和。 fall together by the ears 打起來)。 close [stop] one's ears to 完全不聽。 fall on deaf ears 不被理睬,不受注意。 feel one's ears burning 感覺耳朵發燒(有人背地議論)。 get sb. on his ear 〔美俚〕使某人發火。 give sb. a thick ear 把(某人)打得鼻青臉腫。 give ear to 聽,傾聽。 give one's ears 不惜任何代價(要)。 have a good [poor] ear 聽力好[不好]。 have an [no] ear for music 懂[不懂]音樂。 have [hold, keep] an ear to the ground 注意輿論等的動向,留心可能發生的事情。 have itching ears 愛聽新奇消息、閑話。 have [gain, win] sb.'s ears 得到某人注意。 (go [through]) in at one ear and out at the other 左耳進右耳出,聽了就忘。 kick [throw] sb. out on his ears 突然解雇某人。 lend one's ears to =give ear to. over head and ears =up to the ears. play [sing] by ear 1. 不看樂譜演奏[歌唱]。 2. 〔口語〕臨時應付事態〔事先沒有計劃〕。 prick up one's ears 豎起耳朵聽。 sleep upon both ears 酣睡。 tickle sb.'s ear 巴結,奉承某人。 turn a deaf ear to 裝聽不見[置若罔聞]。 up to the ears 深陷(債務等)。 Walls have ears. 〔諺語〕隔墻有耳。 (still) ear behind the ears 沒有經驗,缺乏訓練。 n. 1.(稻麥等的)穗。 2.〔pl.〕燈花。 be in the ear 正在抽穗。 come into ears 抽穗。 vi. 抽穗。
  • "in ear" 中文翻譯 :    條裝
  • "in the ear" 中文翻譯 :    耳內式
  • "ear to ear" 中文翻譯 :    咧著嘴
  • "minor lobe, secondary lobe" 中文翻譯 :    旁波瓣
  • "a lobe of the lung" 中文翻譯 :    肺葉
  • "accessory lobe" 中文翻譯 :    輔助葉; 副葉, 副腮腺
  • "adradial lobe" 中文翻譯 :    副輻射葉


  • Most ear lobes extend below the lower point of attachment of the ear .
  • It slowly climbs onto tao zi ' s ear lobe
  • Cang li man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe
  • Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes
  • White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and white ear lobes
  • Only its tail and right ear lobe are missing , apparently having been bitten off
  • Ear lobe piercer
  • Haematomas of comparable size were produced by subcutaneous injection of blood into both ear lobes of the animals followed by compression
  • Fingerprints , iris scans and even details of the way people walk , their scars and the size and shape of their ear lobes will be collected
  • In freezing weather , the exposed parts of the body such as the nose tip , ear lobes , cheeks and chin - may develop frostbites as the skin on them cools and the blood vessels become constricted thus cutting off the blood supply to the area
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"ear lobe"造句  


  • the fleshy pendulous part of the external human ear

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