用"eardrum"造句"eardrum" in a sentence"eardrum"怎麼讀"eardrum"的同義詞
- 【解剖學】耳鼓。
- "eardrum rupture" 中文翻譯 : 鼓膜破裂
- "perforation of the eardrum" 中文翻譯 : 鼓膜潰破
- "circular fibers of eardrum" 中文翻譯 : 鼓室環狀纖維
- "eardrum threshold spl value" 中文翻譯 : 耳鼓膜聲壓級閾值
- "radiating fibers of eardrum" 中文翻譯 : 鼓膜輻射纖維
- "my right eardrum has been infected" 中文翻譯 : 我的右耳鼓被感染了
- "eardrops" 中文翻譯 : 點耳劑; 耳藥水
- "eardrop; earrings" 中文翻譯 : 耳墜子
- "eardrumless toad" 中文翻譯 : 隱耳蟾蜍
- "eardrop" 中文翻譯 : 耳飾,耳墜。
- "eardust" 中文翻譯 : 耳砂; 耳沙; 耳石
- "eardro" 中文翻譯 : 點耳劑
- "eardust of yellow croaker" 中文翻譯 : 魚腦石
- "eardlyite" 中文翻譯 : 水鋁鎳石
- My eardrums are almost pierced .
我的鼓膜差點震破了。 - His eardrums had been punctured by the force of the explosion .
他的耳鼓膜被爆炸的氣浪震破。 - Three ribs . broken eye socket . perforated eardrum
三根肋骨(斷過) ,眼框破裂耳膜穿孔 - Well , she ' s got a concussion and a broken eardrum
她腦震蕩了,耳鼓膜破裂 - Never try irrigation if the eardrum is broken
如果耳膜破了,千萬不要嘗試這種沖洗法。 - You know he ' s got a perforated eardrum
你有可能把他的耳膜打穿孔的 - Complained of puss running from his eardrum
抱怨耳朵痛得厲害 - Complained of puss running from his eardrum
抱怨耳朵痛得厲害 - My right eardrum have become infect
我的右耳鼓已經感染了。 - My right eardrum has been infected
- the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound
同義詞:tympanum, tympanic membrane, myringa,
- eardrum in Hindi
- eardrum 意味
- eardrum meaning
- eardrum en francais
- eardrum artinya
- eardrum 뜻
- eardrum перевод
- eardrum แปล
- eardrum là gì
- eardrumとは意味:eardrum n. 鼓膜, 中耳.【動詞+】◆Don't break my eardrums. 私の鼓膜を破らないでくれ 《そんな大きな聲を出すな》◆The sound of the air hammer almost burst my eardrums. エアハンマーの音で鼓膜が破れんばかりだった◆damage one's eardrum (片耳の)鼓膜を傷つける◆His voice is s...
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