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用"oast"造句"oast" in a sentence"oast"怎麼讀"oast"的同義詞


  • n.


  • According to sedimentary characteristics of the carboniferous taiyuan formation in feicheng coal field , including lithology , size distribution , sedimenta ry structure , geochemistry and paleontology etc . , the carboniferous paleoenvironme nt of this area is divided into carbonate open platform and tidal flat environme nt . it is recognized that the taiyuan formation is formed in the epicontinental c oast which is dominated by the tidal . the peat flat is the important paleoenviron ment for coal accumulation . the tidal channel destroys the coal bed . the pulsative vibration of the crust is the major factor which controls the evolution of the sedimentary environment and the coal accumulation
  • Abstract : according to sedimentary characteristics of the carboniferous taiyuan formation in feicheng coal field , including lithology , size distribution , sedimenta ry structure , geochemistry and paleontology etc . , the carboniferous paleoenvironme nt of this area is divided into carbonate open platform and tidal flat environme nt . it is recognized that the taiyuan formation is formed in the epicontinental c oast which is dominated by the tidal . the peat flat is the important paleoenviron ment for coal accumulation . the tidal channel destroys the coal bed . the pulsative vibration of the crust is the major factor which controls the evolution of the sedimentary environment and the coal accumulation


  • a kiln for drying hops


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