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oat grass中文

用"oat grass"造句"oat grass" in a sentence"oat grass"怎麼讀


  • 【植物;植物學】燕麥草屬植物。


  • The dioxin levels in local pastures are also much higher than those found in imported grass varieties , such as alfalfa hay , bermuda grass and oat grass , which contain less than 0 . 3 ng / kg of dioxin , according to the study
    根據這份研究,本地牧草的戴奧辛含量也高出進口牧草許多,像是苜蓿、百慕達草、燕麥草等進口牧草的戴奧辛含量多在0 . 3奈克公斤以下。
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