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r and d中文

用"r and d"造句"r and d" in a sentence"r and d"怎麼讀


  • R and D,R & D
    =research and development 研究與發展。


  • Therefore , domestic r and d and life - long education must receive ample emphasis
  • The rajas of outsourcing are taking on r and d and computer - aided engineering
  • Kevin and joanna are discussing the importance of r and d in relation to the development of the company
  • Joanna : research and development , without a doubt . without the proper r and d to get a product started , it won ' t go anywhere
  • Lester : i agree , but remember , our investors may see r and d costs as money spent without the possibility of an immediate return
  • Kevin : i agree , but remember , our investors may see r and d costs as money spent without the possibility of an immediate return
  • Kevin : yes , i ' ve started , and i ' ve found some good people for r and d . oh , by the way , the art people called to discuss the design of our logos
  • Our government is sparing no efforts in policies and funding to promote r and d . i myself was fortunate enough to be heavily involved in this area in the 1980s , and results are beginning to show
  • Including the cost of paying employees in stock , microsoft spent 6 . 8 billion on r and d last year , but said that number would be slightly lower at around 6 billion in fiscal 2005 due to the lower costs of issuing stock awards
  • Tens of thousands of ethnic chinese , including some american - born ones , are in american , canadian , british , european and australian universities and research institutes doing high level research and development r and d in hard sciences and engineering
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"r and d"造句  


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