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過去式:rabbeted   完成式:rabbeted   進行式:rabbeting   
用"rabbet"造句"rabbet" in a sentence"rabbet"怎麼讀"rabbet"的同義詞


  • n.
    半槽接合 (on, over)。


  • Mechanical tooling for wood . cutters for rabbet . dimensions
  • 5 top front rails are interlocked with overlapping end panels and rabbeted offset for dust resistance
  • Through modeling experiment , this method is proved to be feasible for analyzing the rabbet assembly structure
  • Then the forging blade body is formed by fitting the data of forging blade to spline and b - surface , calling the rabbet and boss , generating the draft angle . then the related parameter is calculated
  • Libraries ( driven by dimensions ) of rabbets and bosses are set up by user defined feature of ugh . the position relationships between the blade bodies , the rabbets and the bosses of the blade forging parts are studied
  • In this paper , the membrane and protector stresses of the laminated membrane coupling , the modal of the laminated membrane coupling , the stress character of the rabbet have been studied by ansys based on the nonlinear finite element method . the work of this paper makes a theoretical basis for the using of the coupling . it has several parts to follow
  • However , the waterproof function and anti - fungus capability of ccf is relatively so poor that the quantity of first - grade and excellent - quality products is very few . in addition , the external antifriction layer of ccf is expensive and faulty , and 80 % of manufactories in china depend on the import antifriction paper . aimed at the situation , this paper put forward a simple and effective way - rabbet surface sealing technique ( rsst ) to improve the waterproof function and anti - fungus capability of ccf
    本文針對其防水抗霉性能較差、一等品及優等品極少;以及其表層耐磨紙價格昂貴、缺陷較多,尤其我國生產廠家80依賴進口耐磨紙的現狀,提出一種簡便而行之有效的方法? ?企口表面全封閉法來改善復合強化地板的防水抗霉性能,并采用國產材料研制出一種集裝飾功能與高耐磨性能于一體、生產成本很低的新型高耐磨層,以替代進口耐磨紙。
  • According to the feature that deformation resulted from water absorption and mildew appear mainly on the rabbet surface of ccf , this paper adopts rsst to spray a special waterproof sealant on rabbet surface of ccf , so that the sealant can get into fiberboard to certain extent by means of capillarity and penetration , blockage the holes between fibers and capillary , cut up passage of water and change the properties of soakage and sorption to water in capillarity and fiber . at the same time , solidified sealant can form a compact waterproof pellicle on rabbet surface so as to prevent water and humidity from fiber ' s expansion and mildewing


  • a rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together

  • cut a rectangular groove into

  • join with a rabbet joint


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