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rabbit hutch中文

用"rabbit hutch"造句"rabbit hutch" in a sentence"rabbit hutch"怎麼讀"rabbit hutch"的同義詞


  • 兔棚。


  • " sit on my tail and go with me to my rabbit hutch .
  • Furthermore capability of producing 1 , 600 tons high quality yarn with 6 - 80line produced , e . g . , cashmere , rabbit hutch , fleece , colorful yarn and capability of producing 100 , 000 pieces of top grade and middle rail women suit - dress and 50 , 000 pieces of cashmere , which established the central industry situation of slub woollen cloth
    另外,公司每年可加工生產6支- 80支羊絨、兔毛、羊毛紗、花式線等各種優質紗線1600噸,中高檔女裝10萬件,羊絨衫5萬件,形成了以粗紡毛呢為核心向關聯行業滲透的產業發展格局。
用"rabbit hutch"造句  


  • a hutch for rabbits

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