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"fabricant"是什麼意思  fabricantの例文  


  • Xuzhou shengbao industry limited is a specially copper processing fabricant , aslo is a plural enterpries which assembles the hotel , light - decoration , investment and trade
  • Because of fabricant ' s original foresight and systemic think , last year ' s hotel management system , made by students of grade 2 entirely , has been used in some five - star hotels
  • Because of fabricant ' s original foresight and systemic thought , last year ' s hotel management system , made by students of grade 2 entirely , has been used in some five - star hotels of zhuhai
  • Because of fabricant ' s original foresight and systemic thought , last year ' s hotel management system , made solely by students of grade 2 , has been used in some five - star hotels of zhuhai already
  • From lately 1990s " to early this century , digital manufacturing took extensively attention as a new fabricant idea , because it is the core of all manufacturing technologies and platform of other advanced manufacturing technologies , such as electronic business manufacturing , rapid manufacturing , internet - based manufacturing . it is the front in the filed of mechanical engineering
  • It's difficult to find fabricant in a sentence. 用fabricant造句挺難的
如何fabricant造句用fabricant造句fabricant in a sentence和fabricant的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。