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"fac"是什麼意思  facの例文  


  • Fac opening ceremony and teachers ' day celebration
  • The fac clearly describes where the target is located
  • Some variances are caused by fac ? tors that managers cannot control
  • Administratorii de site fac bani
  • Fac force - air cooling
  • Fac is the principal parliamentary committee responsible for scrutinising the work of the
  • Thirdly , the closed - loop design of the peak - current control applied to the im - fac converter is discussed
    論文還討論了采用峰值電流控制的im - fac變換器的閉環參數設計。
  • The fac proceeds with an inquiry by first calling usually through a press notice - for written memoranda
  • Laser designator has been switched off . aircraft must give a " laser on " command for the fac to designate again
  • Pretreatment of arteries with dmso , catalase or glutathione before fac exposure prevented the decrease in contraction responses to pe ( po . 05 )
    第二部分,鐵對血管舒張功能的影響(無特殊說明,均為內皮完整的血管環) 。
  • It's difficult to see fac in a sentence. 用fac造句挺難的
  • The fac gives a brief description of the target to be attacked . this helps to give the cas aircraft an idea of what ordance he will use
  • The operation principle is analyzed , the influence on fac converter introduced by im is described and the design rule of im is presented
  • After the constriction reached a plateau , addition of fac caused a strong , sustained contraction ( with an amplitude of49 . 18 ? . 75 % ) in the present of pdbu
    75 。 ( 4 )鐵使kci所致的血管環收縮幅度顯著降低。即未川鐵孵育糾kci引起血
  • When utilizing laser guidance , this notifies the fac that the bombs are falling and that laser designation must be maintained until impact
  • Should the buyer refuse to sign the fac , the buyer shall notify thales communications in writing of the reasons for such rejection within the same two ( 2 ) day period of time
  • Exposure to fac for 30min caused the decrease in the relaxation response to l - arg ( p < 0 . 05 ) . there was no different in the relaxation response to no don
    無內皮的主動脈環給予no的供體一snp ,使pe預收縮的血管舒張; fac孵育后,對snp產生的血管舒張作用無明顯影響。
  • There is nothing to stop the fac from responding to the government s reply in further correspondence , as the committee has recently done on a number of occasions
  • The anomalous fac pair creates a transient dusk - dawn electric field over the polar cap , tailing behind the original region current and drifting towards the night side until it falls into oblivion
  • Part 2 effect of iron on relaxation in aortic ring ( 1 ) exposure of endothelium - intact aortic rings to fac for 30 min caused a significant reduction in the relaxation response to ach
    主動脈環用鐵孵育之前,補充no的前體物質卜arg ,可增加血管對低濃度ach2浙江大學碩士學位論文( l ” ’ mol l )的舒張反應的程度。
  • This can be used , for instance , if the fac sees that the casa is about to attack the wrong target , friendly positions , or if other negative circumstances will degrade the strike ' s effectiveness beyond usefulness
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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