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face brick造句

"face brick"是什麼意思  face brickの例文  


  • Exterior wall : face brick plus top - grade stone and coating
  • Testing the frost resistance of facing bricks and clinker blocks ; freezing of single bricks on all sides
  • Standard specification for ceramic glazed structural clay facing tile , facing brick , and solid masonry units
  • Testing the frost resistance of facing bricks and clinker blocks ; freezing of bricks arranged in test blocks
  • Cladding for external walls ; facing bricks fixed in mortar on supports ; principles for design and application
  • By using machines and plants made by keller hcw roof tiles , facing bricks , commen bricks , pavers ad facing tiles as well as other building materials can be produced
  • Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis , light epidermis reveal virile and body - building architecture style . caesious facing brick , with considerably tactile material nature , showing architecture ' s extended sense taste
  • This four - storey building was classic in style , the whole of the front and the main architectural features of the back and end elevations being carried out in cement plaster . all exposed brickwork in the exterior elevations was of red formosa facing bricks
  • It's difficult to find face brick in a sentence. 用face brick造句挺難的
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