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face goods造句

"face goods"是什麼意思  face goodsの例文  


  • At the same time we face good opportunity to improve our environmental and resource protection policy during the transformation from planning economy to market economy
  • The paragraph explains profoundly that urbanization is facing good and ill problems . man must explore the road that can make urbanization healthy so as to the need of himself
  • However , engineering design and technology progress play a primary role in natural gas exploration . engineering technology institute faces good opportunity and challenge , because it was newly built and had no development strategy plan
  • We have established strict translation interpretation quality control systems , standardized operating flows and proofreading criteria . with the economic globalization and china s wto entry , there has been a drastically increased demand for multilingual and multi - culture information transfers and exchanges and the translation interpretation industry is facing good development opportunities large - scale translation interpretation services providers are needed to meet market demands
  • It's difficult to find face goods in a sentence. 用face goods造句挺難的
如何face goods造句用face goods造句face goods in a sentence和face goods的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。