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face time造句

"face time"是什麼意思  face timeの例文  


  • Unless you put in some serious face time with your stepfather
  • Unless you put in some serious face time with your stepfather
  • No interaction . no face time
  • Sorry guys , i can ' t make the match tonight as i ' ve got to go home to have some face time with my wife
  • Majorities in latin america , russia and ukraine also had faced times when they had too little to afford food
  • Everyone , including himself and the major signings , he reckons can face time out of the team , and it ' s how the team deals with that which is important
  • Is cleaning the face time , the turndown collar design also provided has been convenient , exemptshas put on the pullover disadvantageously place
  • Re - assign some good - natured farmers to handle customer service or sales support , so that they help the hunters in your company to increase customer - facing time
  • It's difficult to find face time in a sentence. 用face time造句挺難的
如何face time造句用face time造句face time in a sentence和face time的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。