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"gabby"是什麼意思  gabbyの例文  


  • Ted observed that her friends were a scream of a bunch-stuck-up gabby four-flushers .
  • A patient, any patient, is entitled to have confidence respected, to be protected against a gabby doctor .
  • Mrs . montez : gabby , it ' s new year ' s eve , enough reading
  • Gabby , you are so right . there are lots of cute guys here
  • Three - year - old gabby from minnesota , 7 - year - old miriam from norway and 10 - year old jamilah from germany suffer from this rare genetic defect
  • Gabby , who damaged knee ligaments in united ' s champions league draw with villarreal back in september 2005 , says he has a debt of honour to sir alex
  • " hush now , " gabby said in auris ' voice . " i ' m listening . " he added in llf ' s voice , sounding crestfallen , " caught me again ! " then chuckled nastily
    “安靜, ”饒舌頭用奧瑞絲的聲音說, "我正在聽呢。 "然后它又用里夫的聲音,垂頭喪氣地說, “我又出丑了。 ”接著不懷好意地吃吃笑起來。
  • Gabby inflated his voice pouch part way , remarked in grandfather riquol ' s strong , rich voice , " my , my ! we ' re not being quite on our best behavior today , are we , llf ?
    饒舌頭把它的聲囊鼓起一部分,用祖父那雄厚的聲音說, “哎呀,哎呀!這還不是今天我們干得最棒的呢,是吧,里夫? ”
  • But i need to keep learning and prove myself in training , ” he told mutv . " i know i have to take my chances when they come because gabby heinze and mikael silvestre are challenging for the same position
    但我得多學學,在訓練中不斷進步, ”他告訴mutv , “我明白當機會來臨時我必須牢牢抓住它,因為海因茲和希爾都在競爭著同一個位置。 ”
  • It's difficult to find gabby in a sentence. 用gabby造句挺難的
如何gabby造句用gabby造句gabby in a sentence和gabby的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。