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"gae"是什麼意思  gaeの例文  


  • The professor gae us a penetrating analysis of the play
  • Likewise , my bike gae a striking strike to the two men alike
  • The girls gae her boyfriend an angry look when he came late
  • The human genome project gae us the instruction manual for building a human
  • The coach gae his team a pep talk at half time , hoping to lead them to ictory
  • " and finally , i gae her a tear to shed . this is hers exclusiely to use wheneer it is needed .
  • He gae up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue
  • Don t think that he doesn t have technique , i believe he is one of the most technically sound players in the world gae
  • The study found that hormone therapy gae women most relief , reducing symptoms by an aerage of about four symptoms per day more than placebo
  • Note that neither the hare nor the tortoise gae up after failures . the hare decided to work harder and put in more effort after his failure
  • It's difficult to see gae in a sentence. 用gae造句挺難的
  • Weight change was one of the main factors leading to increased bmd in women who gae up smoking , the researchers added , with the effects of cessation mediated by weight gain
  • This paper , firstly , introduces the tools of supporting group activities , and then mainly discusses the design and develop of group argumentation environment ( gae ) , which is guided by meta - synthesis
    本文首先介紹了國內外支持群體活動的工具,而后著重探討了以綜合集成方法為指導的“群研討環境( gae ) ”的設計與開發。
  • The men were asked questions about their diet and gae sperm samples , and their mothers were asked questions about their diet , including frequency and type of meat consumption , when they were pregnant
  • Men used to spending half an hour or more in a bath or jacuzzi who gae up for three months were found to increase sperm production almost fiefold , according to research published in the journal of the brazilian society of urology
  • The groups then gae more blood samples and switched their original diet assignments : those who had been in the comparison group were asked to eat watercress for eight weeks ; those who were preiously assigned to eat watercress were told to follow their normal diet , with no watercress requirements
  • The system supports group thinking model and solves the complex problems with qualitative group argumentation . " argumentation " is a group collaborative activity in nature . the process of collaboration contains the group ' s knowledge sharing and creation
    Gae是支持協作技術與知識創造二者有機結合的“場” ,系統采用群思考模型,對復雜問題的分析從定性的群研討開始, “研討”本身就是群體協作的活動,協作的過程又蘊涵著群體間知識的共享與創造。
  • Gae is basically a browser - server argumentation system , which supports loosely coupled group ' s activities , including group thinking and group decision modules , called knowledge creation tool and knowledge synthesis tool respectively . knowledge creation tool supports experts divergent thinking and qualitatively analyzing complex problems
    基于web的b / s結構的松散耦合的gae系統給用戶提供一個集約化知識支持平臺,系統包括支持群思考和群決策的兩個模塊,分別是知識創造的發散工具和知識綜合的收斂工具。
  • The groups then gae more blood samples and switched their original diet assignments : those who had been in the comparison group were asked to eat watercress for eight weeks ; those who were preiously assigned to eat watercress were told to follow their normal diet , with no watercress requirements
  • The characteristic of this ba is applying the dual scaling method to visualize the experts " argumentation contents , which can encourage participation , facilitate users assimilate others ideas , and stimulate emergence of more creative ideas . knowledge synthesis tool applies the ahp and ngt method , which are convergent method , to quantitatively testify the structure problems . in a word , gae system is an environment for solving complex problems
    發散工具是專家發散思考,定性分析復雜問題的“場” ,特點是應用雙尺度法( dualscalingmethod )將專家研討內容加以可視化分析,這種二維圖的表現形式刺激了專家進一步思考,拓寬其思維,幫助他們多視點、多角度、多側面去了解所要解決問題的目標。
  • Guided by this method , gae system provides an argumentation environment for experts , which combines the quantitative modeling computing with the qualitative experts " knowledge . the system transforms quality to quantity , developing the man - machine combined . gae is a " ba " , which supports both collaborative technique and knowledge creation
如何gae造句用gae造句gae in a sentence和gae的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。