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"gaffer"是什麼意思  gafferの例文  


  • That ( old ) gaffer going into the pub is 90 years old
  • And that ' s for my old gaffer
  • Tian can only seek solace in the arm of her gaffer boyfriend zhen francis ng
  • In the movie world , where there is glitz and glamour , walton is a gaffer
  • To be truthful we got a bit of telling off from the gaffer at half time
    他說“ (凱文)戴維斯在前方制造著麻煩,說實話我們半場休息時都沒譜了。
  • The gaffer conceded that watford ' s physical long - ball tactics may have been at the root of united ' s performance
  • The gaffer told a press conference : " we ' re possibly just about to tie up a deal for tomasz kuszczak from west brom
    費爵爺在新聞發布會上表示: “我們將完成從西布朗買進庫什恰克的轉會。
  • And the chelsea gaffer ' s ever - increasing level of fame is fast turning him into the football - boss version of david beckham
  • " it was good to get back to winning ways in the premiership . everybody played well . it was a good team performance and afterwards the gaffer was happy
  • The portuguese gaffer promised : “ we will attack . we know if we don ' t concede then we are in the final but part of our plan is to scare and score
    這名葡萄牙籍教頭保證: “我們會進攻。我們知道如果不失球的話我們也能進入決賽,但我們的計劃包括驚擾和進球。
  • It's difficult to see gaffer in a sentence. 用gaffer造句挺難的
  • The warm - up device can reduce the temperature difference between the cloth and the molten film , so it improve the intensity of antis tripping , reduce the gaffer of the film
  • The elder son is an outstanding sailor : adamancy , bravely , line of duty , and full of adventure spirit . the gaffer love him indeed , and consider this to be a glory
  • Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their broken snouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour . an armless pair of them flop wrestling , growling , in maimed sodden playfight
  • Oh , tis you , mrs durbeyfield - lard - how you frightened me ! i thought it might be some gaffer sent by government . mrs durbeyfield was welcomed with glances and nods by the remainder of the conclave , and turned to where her husband sat
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