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gag order造句

"gag order"是什麼意思  gag orderの例文  


  • This is a gag order . anyone here so much as hinting
  • This is a gag order . anyone here so much as hinting . .
  • King : do you like gag orders
  • Gag orders at this stage in the proceedings are rare , though not unprecedented
  • In the past week he has slapped a gag order on the bbc , sought an injunction against a newspaper and threatened at least two others with similar bans
    上周,他申請禁令堵上了英國廣播公司( bbc )的嘴,又封殺了一家報紙,并以類似禁令威脅其他至少兩家報社。
  • It's difficult to find gag order in a sentence. 用gag order造句挺難的
如何gag order造句用gag order造句gag order in a sentence和gag order的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。