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"kaffir"是什麼意思  kaffirの例文  


  • He had a few bob on throwaway and he s gone to gather in the shekels . - is it that whiteyed kaffir
    他在丟掉,身上下了幾先令的賭注,這會子收他那幾個錢去啦。 ”
  • Flashing white kaffir eyes and tusks they rattle through a breakdown in clumsy clogs , twinging , singing , back to back , toe heel , heel toe , with smackfatclacking nigger lips
  • " we would take the remains of kaffir beer , as they called it , and then we ' d go to the direction of the wind , so that the wind would blow from us to the village where the pigs are
    他說: “我們會搜集一些別人喝剩下的南非然后到有風的地方,這樣風就能把啤酒的味道從我們這兒吹到那些養豬的村莊里。
  • It's difficult to find kaffir in a sentence. 用kaffir造句挺難的
如何kaffir造句用kaffir造句kaffir in a sentence和kaffir的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。