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"kalong"是什麼意思  kalongの例文  


  • Chengdu to the kalong ditch 310 kilometers , the kalong ditch to amounts to the ancient glacier 112 kilometers
  • 51 long vacations period , has gone to the kalong ditch , unfortunatelyis precisely the off season time . but is off season here also is the same beauty
  • And reaches the ancient glacier state of roads from chengdu to the kalong ditch scenic are a extremely to be all good , to scenic are a in for pitch / cement road surface
  • First introduces its geographical position : the kalong ditch scenicarea is located with in the boundaries of the heishui county kalong town , average elevation 3 , 544 meters
  • The paper discusses how to manage technology innovations with project management method , simultaneously we also analyze how a successful firm called guangdong kalong manages innovation projects . based on such analyses , we conclude that technology innovation management based project management method should include the following factors : 1 . total stratagem of : the management mode of projects depends on the total stratagem , so we must make technology innovation cooperate with the stratagem
  • It's difficult to find kalong in a sentence. 用kalong造句挺難的
如何kalong造句用kalong造句kalong in a sentence和kalong的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。