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"kami"是什麼意思  kamiの例文  


  • Shinto gods , or kami , are worshipped at shrines
  • It ' s made by yamato no kami yasusada
  • All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami
  • Kami - fusen are traditional japanese paper balloons made of waxed rice - paper . they resemble beach balls and are usually red , green and white in color
  • It comes from an episode in " the judge ooka tales " of a tokugawa official named ooka echizen - no - kami . it is said that by making a wish while tying a rope around a jizo statue , your wish will come true
  • Its leader , kondo isami , was born in the 5th year of tempo ( 1834 ) as the third son of miyakawa kyujiro and his wife miyo , whose husband was a gentleman farmer in kami - ishihara - mura , tama - gori , musashi - no - kuni , now a southwestern part of tokyo
    天保5年( 1834 ) ,在武藏國多摩郡上石原村,父親宮川久次郎、母親miyo生下了第三個兒子- -近藤勇。
  • This paper applies kami ' s method to analyze conservative scheme in lagrangian coordinate , and then selects one of upwind schemes which do not show oscillations , finally applies it to construct high resolution scheme . numerical flux of one order scheme is used near interface , while numerical flux of high resolution scheme is adopted in other area
  • It's difficult to find kami in a sentence. 用kami造句挺難的
如何kami造句用kami造句kami in a sentence和kami的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。