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"kamikaze"是什麼意思  kamikazeの例文  


  • Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets
  • Kamikaze tanks are controlled automatically
    自殺式坦克被自動控制(遙控) 。
  • Globo gym hoping to drop an a - bomb on the kamikazes
  • He used to run with me , morty and jimmy in this real kamikaze firm
  • The kamikaze is a sacred ceremony
  • Just like the kamikaze tank , the v2 is automatically controlled and cannot be crewed
    和自殺式坦克一樣, v2飛彈被自動控制并不能被人員從內部操縱。
  • Kamikaze boats have the same properties as gunboats , but instead of the machine gun they are equipped with a highly explosive bomb
  • Damaged in an aircraft explosion in january 1945 and again by kamikaze strike in april , hancock returned to take part in magic carpet operations
  • They have the same properties as anti - tank vehicles and attack like kamikaze units with a big explosion near the target
  • They took part in almost every major naval battle from the hunting of the bismarck , the landings on d - day through to savage kamikaze attacks in the philippines and okinawa
  • It's difficult to see kamikaze in a sentence. 用kamikaze造句挺難的
  • The bat rider has the unstable concoction ability , which is basically a kamikaze attack ( like those zerg units ) , it can knock down any small flyer ( like gargoyles ) and 2 - 3 can take down the larger beasts like dragon hawks ( new human unit )
    蝙蝠騎士擁有不固定的混合技能,現在姑且叫做神風敢死隊之擊, (象那些蟲族的單位) ,他們可(自殺襲擊)擊落石像鬼之類的空軍,兩到三個可以擊落龍鷹之類的巨型空軍單位。
  • Uss ticonderoga cv - 14 length overall : 270 . 8m beam max : 44 . 9m displacement standard : 27100t full load : 36380t the second long hull unit , ticonderoga was laid down in 1 mar 1943 , commissioned in may of 1944 , built by newport news . her first action was supporting landings in the philippines . in january 1945 the she was damaged by a kamikaze , but returned to support operations off okinawa and japan
    總長: 270 . 8米總寬: 44 . 9米正常排水量: 27100噸滿載排水量: 36380噸提康德羅加號航空母艦是第2艘長船體型埃塞克斯級航空母艦, 1943年3月1日在紐波特紐斯船廠鋪設骨, 1944年5月加入美國海軍服役。
  • Launched on 4 april 1943 , sponsored by mrs . thomas f . sullivan , the mother of the five sullivan brothers , and commissioned on 30 september 1943 . the sullivans deployed to the pacific , arriving at pearl harbor on 28 december 1943 . for the next eighteen month , the sullivans was actively engaged in operations ranging from plane guard for the fast carriers to shore bombardment to anti - kamikaze picket duty off okinawa
    1943年4月4日,在蘇利汶五兄弟的母親托馬斯f .蘇利汶夫人的一記香檳推動下, “蘇利汶”號開始下水舾裝,并于5個月后建成服役。 “蘇利汶”號在1943年12月28日抵達珍珠港,從此開始了在太平洋水域中的戰斗生涯。
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