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"kampala"是什麼意思  kampalaの例文  


  • Kampala is the capital and the largest city
  • The first conference addressing the global shortage of health workers opens in the ugandan capital kampala
  • The cultural art and creative youth centre is based in kampala , uganda with a representative office in congo
  • Dr . peter mugyenyi of the joint clinical research centre in kampala , uganda will work with dr . christopher whalen of case western reserve university
  • Adding covers to phones was most widespread in seoul and kampala , and the use of decorative phone straps was most popular in seoul and tokyo
  • Seven students at kampala student centre were paired with their peers drawn from schools in the tucson unified school district in a pen - pal program
  • We have to ensure that development aid reaches the people and improves basic living standards , and does not end up paying for a perimeter wall for a minister ' s house in kampala
  • Though separated by nearly 9 , 200 miles ( approximately 14 , 800 kilometers ) as the crow flies , young people in kampala , uganda , and tucson , arizona , usa , are discovering one another ' s worlds through a program initiated by ambassadorial scholar ojeya cruz banks
    烏干達的坎帕拉與美國亞利桑那州土森市相互分隔的直線距離雖然約近9 , 200英里(約1萬4 , 800公里) ,兩地的年輕人正透過大使獎學金學生歐潔雅?班克斯發起的計劃,發現彼此的世界。
  • Results of laboratory tests on blood samples from kampala and kamwenge performed by the centers for disease control and prevention ( cdc ) , atlanta , usa have confirmed marburg virus infection in the putative index case , a mine worker , and in one of his close contacts during his illness
  • It's difficult to find kampala in a sentence. 用kampala造句挺難的
如何kampala造句用kampala造句kampala in a sentence和kampala的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。