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"kampong"是什麼意思  kampongの例文  


  • Co kampong java neighbourhood police centre
  • It was stamford raffles who brought him to singapore to be installed as the sultan and the british even built a palace for him in kampong glam
  • Discover the charms of kampong glam , little india & chinatown . don ' t miss these cultural enclaves where singapore ' s indigenous culture and heritage still thrives
  • Under what circumstances was singapore ceded to britain singapore officially became a british colony in 1824 why was there a sultan living in singapore and an istana kampong glam ask any singaporean the answers to these questions and you are likely to draw a blank
  • It's difficult to find kampong in a sentence. 用kampong造句挺難的
如何kampong造句用kampong造句kampong in a sentence和kampong的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。