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"kana"是什麼意思  kanaの例文  


  • Kana scrip documentation . romanization of japanese kana scrip
  • Reading column : the development of the kana script
  • Comparisons must ignore the kana type
  • There is no sort order suffix for kana - insensitive sorting
  • Kana - kanji version of the text helps you learn and prepare
  • If this option is set , the string comparison ignores kana type
  • Technical drawings - lettering - part 10 : japanese characters kana and kanji
  • Also , bring your kana - kanji version of jsl for your reference
  • Keystroke to kana transfer method using latin letter key for japanese input method
  • Specifies that the string comparison must ignore the kana type
    Sqlstring . ignorekanatype字段指定字符串比較必須忽略假名類型。
  • It's difficult to see kana in a sentence. 用kana造句挺難的
  • Ignore kana type
  • Distinguishes between the two types of japanese kana characters : hiragana and katakana
  • Ruth tucker wrote a book entitled " stories of faith . " in there she tells a story of a lady name kana from irian jaya
  • Specifies whether the comparison distinguishes between the two types of japanese kana characters : hiragana and katakana
  • Kana type refers to japanese hiragana and katakana characters that represent phonetic sounds in the japanese language
  • Shogo is left blind and mute from an accident but is able to live a fruitful life as a composer . he receives ongoing therapy from the hospital where nurse kana works
  • However , in japanese , there are multiple phonetic orthographies in which the concept of orthographic normalization is akin to case insensitivity for example , kana insensitivity
    但是,在日語中,有許多表示語音的拼字法,其中拼字規范化這一概念與不區分大小寫類似,如kana =不區分。
  • Several sort order options can be applied to the specified analysis services windows collation to additionally define sorting and comparison rules based on case , accent , kana , and width sensitivity
    可以將數個排序順序選項應用于指定的analysis services windows排序規則,以額外定義基于區分大小寫、區分重音、區分假名以及區分全半角的排序和比較規則。
  • To specify how strings should be compared , the transformation includes a set of comparison options such as whether to ignore case sensitivity , how to handle kana types in japanese text , and whether to ignore white - space characters in the string
  • At the moment of shogos death , a shooting star falls and give him the chance to live again for four more days . but he is unrecognizable to his friend and forbidden to reveal his true identity . shogo decides to express his feelings of affection to kana .
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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