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"kano"是什麼意思  kanoの例文  


  • A man carries food for sale on a street in kano , april 22 , 2007
  • Regulatory method for importance of customers ' requirements based on kano model
  • Mr kunio kano
  • Use the rotary club of kano ' s example to assist in designing literacy and microenterprise projects
  • Developed by dr jigoro kano in the 1880s , the sport broke into the olympic games in 1964 at tokyo
  • Then a professor named kano established a school for the purpose of studying and applying this method of unarmed combat
  • The government is accusing pfizer of conducting unauthorized tests of an experimental antibiotic on 200 children in the northern nigerian state of kano , during an outbreak of meningitis in 1996
  • Based on the kano model analysis , a formula to calculate the importance rating of achieving the improvement increment of competitive seating arrangement was presented , and then the correct factors of the fundamental importance ratings were determined
  • Visitors have the opportunity to compare paintings and old edo town maps with maps of modern tokyo , and learn more about the life of one million residents who lived in edo . through works by artists such as shogun patronized painter tanyu kano , the edo period is once again brought to life
  • The thesis also distinguishes different service quality on the base of kano ' s service model , finds the quality problems of property company and provides basis and methods for further quality improvement . the innovations of this thesis are that it creates the analysis process of the service quality and distinguishes the type of service quality according to quantitative analysis ,
    同時,本文基于卡諾( kano )服務質量模型,區分了物業管理服務要素的質量類型,分析了物業公司在服務質量上存在的問題及產生的原因,找出了制約公司服務質量提高的關鍵因素,為物業管理公司的服務質量改進提供了決策依據。
  • It's difficult to see kano in a sentence. 用kano造句挺難的
  • Later introduced the model of customer satisfaction . look at the unacknowledged model promptly , theory of three degrees of quality of kano , comprehensive customer satisfaction model , scsb model and u . s . a . ' s customer satisfaction model target of research who has mainly discussed customer satisfaction in chapter three , course ,
  • In this process , taking into consideration the role of pareto ' s analysis method in the segmentation and confirmation of customer groups , it classifies the customer ' s demand by using the kano model , rebuilds demand structure by using knowledge expressing methods that are both hierarchical and modeled - c
    其中注意到帕累托分析提供的方法在顧客群體細分與確認中的作用,借助kano模型對顧客需求進行分類;用既是層次化又是模塊化的知識表達方法對需求結構進行重建? ?關系槽表達的用戶需求層次性和模塊化框架;提出了將kano模型融入qfd計劃矩陣的集摘要成方法。
如何kano造句用kano造句kano in a sentence和kano的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。